Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Youth worshippers. (Painting by H. Flandrin.)

Is it any wonder that we romanticize youth? It is, after all, a time before our minds and bodies have become corrupted by age and knowing. No scars, blemishes or neuroses. Existing in a 99 44/100% pure reality. With a dose of High Drama.
Newly minted humans wear everything on their sleeves. Not knowing how to behave, they act like characters in songs and books and movies. They act as if they are invincible. Immortal. As if their actions have no repercussions. Life is Magic!
Perpetuating the sad/glorious cycle, musicians, writers, film makers and painters, will always revel in Flaming Youth. Just like you and I.
Doesn't that beautiful young man in the painting look as if his girlfriend just dumped him? I think he'll survive - and, in time, join the noble ranks of the emotionally and physically battle-scarred. The Disintegrating Inevitable, if you will.
Bitter-sweet? It breaks my heart...
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