Saturday, October 1, 2011

Closing in.

I nearly ended TBOGL, recently, but I realized I had a few more things to post. The end IS nigh, I'm afraid - but that's ok. It feels natural. Organic.
I had a very productive day, yesterday. I reached a compromise with my attorney concerning his (I think) unfair fees. He knocked $512 off of the total and wrote me a check. My sister said he was still "ripping me off," but it felt like a victory to me. I also received my final Social Security back pay check. I actually went to the bank TWICE in one day! (This is after being totally broke for many months.)
I went back to Social Services, yesterday, to have them explain why I received 2 letters, on the same day, which contradicted each other. God, this stuff seems unnecessarily complicated. Then I found an agency that helps "people who fall through the cracks" (That's me!) get medical care and help with their prescriptions. They also assist with dental care, which is great because I've recently developed a tooth ache.
How am I doing, in general? Not counting the tooth, I've been feeling pretty good. I had a weird night, recently, when my blood pressure and heart rate dropped really low - but other than that...
Stay tuned for a for a few more items, and then... the big finale.

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