Wednesday, September 7, 2011

AKA Scooter.

His name is Scooter - but he has many nick-names:

Scooterini Alphonso Del Vecchio Vespoochie (Why he has an Italian name, I don't know...)
Scootaceous D.
Cooters (taking the S off the front and placing it on the end), which leads to
"Mr. Cooters..." (Sung to the tune of "Mr. Crowley" by Ozzie.)
Jackson Brown
Jack Rabbit Slim
Scooter Eugene
Scooter Ray
Buckwheat Zydeco
Buckshot Le Funk
Monsieur Dookie Head
Boogity Boo
ARRRGGGHHHHH! (As in, "ARRRGGGHHHHH, why did you do that?! I'm gonna twist your little head off!!")
And so on.

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