Monday, September 19, 2011

Up and down.

The last couple of days have been up and down. I've not been feeling well at all. My heart's been flip-flopping, for lack of a better description. My blood pressure has gotten as low as 83/46. Last night my heart rate dropped to 39. This morning, I woke up with a heart rate of 174. That was not a pleasant experience.
I managed to get a lot done today, in spite of all of my strange health occurrences - thanks to my sister. I saw my primary care physician and had some blood work done. He suggested I contact my cardiologist at UNC. I called and left a message. We went to our local Social Security office and straightened out some issues there. We then went to Social Services with a letter from Social Security informing them of my acceptance. According to the lady at the Social Security office, my acceptance there guarantees my acceptance with Medicare. We'll see. All in all we covered 3 counties.
But, hey, when I got home, there was a check in the mail! My first Social Security money. Thank you Jeebus! (I'm thrilled, even though they extracted $1000 for my lawyer...) I've had this notion in my head, for a while, that I might die before receiving any assistance. Guess I was wrong.
Still not feeling well. I'm gonna turn in soon.

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