Friday, July 2, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

It's about 4 am, on this 22nd day of March. I haven't been writing much in this "journal" lately because I've been conveying my thoughts and experiences to Katherine in letters. I'm missing her terribly. She means everything to me.
I haven't spoken to D'Arcy. He may be: home / in college / in the army or navy. I haven't the foggiest.
Tonight, or actually this morning, at work, my boss told me he was giving me a raise and I was not to mention it to anyone, because I was the only one getting it. It was a fifty cent raise. I now make $4.50 an hour. Now that Katherine is in the navy and I never see D'Arcy and we have a new car, I have no reason to mess up and miss work.

Yesterday was daddy's birthday. He would have been 59. Mom's is in 6 days.

The night before last, Eddie and I went to see Sidewinder at The Crest. We drank steadily. Some girl came over and asked if she could sit down. We said sure. Her name was Theresa and she was from Washington, NC. During the course of our conversation, Eddie told her we were musicians. She invited us to play at a party, but we declined... Whew! We went outside to smoke a joint and later, when the band started up again, she disappeared into the crowd.

The other day, mom's dog, Lollie, was lying in the driveway, not moving. I called to make sure she was alright. She didn't move a muscle. She looked kind of flat, like she had been run over. I went back into the house, thinking I was going to have to go get a shovel to bury her, but when I came back out, she was gone. I honestly believed that the dog was dead, because I had called her repeatedly and anxiously. The dog wasn't dead. She was just DUMB!

Early this morning, when I stopped at the all night Fast Fare, I pulled my car up to the side of the building. I guess the attendants didn't see me because, when I walked in, a lady, who was down behind the counter, jumped up and sort of gasped an "Oh!," as if I had surprised her. When I walked up to pay for my soda, I noticed a guy down behind the counter, putting things away. Or pretending to...

I think I might call Russell today.

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