Monday, June 28, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Mom got her tax refund check and payed me the hundred she borrowed.
It's about 9 pm now. I have to go to work at 12.
The post office closed before I could mail Katherine's letter.
I was just squeezing blood from a cut between my thumb and index finger on my left hand. The top half of a mike stand fell, pinching my hand. What an exciting life I lead!

Russell called the other day and got mad at me because I wouldn't go with him to look for a car. Just previous to this, he'd gotten mad at D'Arcy and Ronnie. I was thinking about calling him, but if D'Arcy has already called him, he would have already told Russell our story (see previous post) and made an all out effort to get Russell to side with him, after the way I "did him wrong." It's complicated. I'm not sure what to do.
I've decided some things, though. One is that D'Arcy is not a rational human being. He is beginning to scare me. I have this feeling that he is going to have revenge - and there's no telling what that could mean.

I payed my bank payment today, but still haven't payed my phone bill.

Today, while I was waiting for mom to come out of The Town Pharmacy and Mack's, a man stood in a phone booth, in front of my parking space, saying "Hello! Hello!", over and over again - becoming increasingly louder and more frustrated. Finally, he screamed "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?!" so loudly that everyone around looked at him. He slammed the phone down and walked out, disgusted.
Also, a woman's car horn hung up and blew for a long time.

It's a little past 11 pm now and I have to quit writing pretty soon, so I can take a shower and be ready to leave for work by 11:45.
In the letter that I wrote Katherine, I said that I was going to stop partying so much, and wasting money and time so foolishly. Time will tell if I can stick by this.

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