Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The aftermath of a visitation.

I was visited by a ghost, recently. The ghost brought 2 "adult" children with her. She said the youngest was mine.
I find myself dealing with so many emotions, lately. I don't really trust myself with this responsibility. I'm not currently equipped to function smoothly in that capacity. Nor, I fear, will I ever be again.
The ghost stopped just short of saying that she would re-materialize, in my world, and assume a presence therein. It was as if she was waiting for me to say the magic word and the whole world would change.
What was that word? "Yes," I suppose.
It would have been rash of me to say that word. It would have been rash of her to act upon it.
She has begun to fade, again - drifting off, in a spectral fashion, the way ghosts do. Especially this ghost. She has re-entered her own realm and has begun to settle into its bosom, assuming her natural physicality. As it should be, I guess.
The child, her child - is he my child? I have begun to have my doubts. It's odd - I felt somewhat elated at the idea that he could be mine. I still do, in a way. Sadly, I can't completely give myself over to that notion. I've become quite the cynic in my old age. And I'm fairly certain that I will die alone, with no flesh and blood progeny to mourn me.
It was foolish to entertain thoughts of a new life - with my old life.
If you believe in pre-ordination, then everything is working out the way it was always meant to.
Me? I don't especially believe in fate.

Life is strange.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to say Jim. I hoped for a much happier ending. I was the foolish one. I waited for you to come for me...for him. Life is not over for either of us...if you want me (I can only speak for me) then you must learn to believe in ghosts, love,...and fate. Learn to accept our path. For no matter what has happened this is the only way it could be. I do and always have loved you...that will never fade away.
