Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jacob's Coats.

Coleus. My mom called them "Jacob's Coats." I've had a fascination with them since I was a kid. Sometimes I can grow them, sometimes not. Here is this year's version. My sister gave me a tiny plant and it took off.

I can feel Summer winding down. I don't like that feeling. I never even made it to the beach this year. Even though it's a relatively cheap activity, I can't afford the gas. I also worry about being alone, on the beach, with my health issues. What if something happened to me? How would anyone know, if I was just laying there to begin with? I could be dead and lay there all day, unnoticed.
I couldn't sleep last night. My heart was feeling funny (still is) and I had a LOT on my mind. I had read an article in the paper, yesterday, about Social Security Disability Benefits. It said that not only was the government running low on funds, but it could take over 2 years to receive any assistance.
I have been nothing but a burden on my friends and family. My bills are piling up and I have a medical procedure in 7 days. And there's no hope in sight. I'm between the proverbial rock and the proverbial hard place. All I can do is wait - on the Federal Government. Do you think they're in a hurry to hand out money in this economic climate?
Not only am I depressed, I'm embarrassed. I always took care of myself. I never had anything of value, but I got by. I'm in a mess now, and it shames me. I feel worthless and my situation feels hopeless.

My sister grew the Coleus from seed. I've never tried that. I think I'll save some seed and give it a shot next Spring.
How's that for hope?

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