Saturday, August 20, 2011

What Else is There, Jarod Reactor?

You think it's time to shut down?
Who's going to dispose of all of that energy?
What vessel will be used to store it?
Rise up, Jarod Reactor. Your time is not over.
See-sawing on the precipice of your day, you still have work to do.
Your time on earth WAS about extremes. You pushed until it pushed back.
Your time on earth IS about substance. What a wild ride this will be!
Nothing sugar coated here. No intoxicants to dull the edges. It's a rip-roaring thrust of an excursion, out of the thrill seeker's apartment. There will be thrills aplenty, though, I guarantee. Jarod - face to face with mortality. Who needs sugar, when that's as sweet as it gets?
Are the mountains moving closer or are you moving closer to the mountains? Either way, they are impending and will have to be dealt with.
This is the real deal, from an unstacked deck.
This is when you stand tall.
This is when the swirl that was your life comes into contact with the rocks of your foundation.
This is it.
No time for trivial monkeys or the black screeching birds of the vortex.
Life is no zoo!
It's time to whip out the flail and thresh! Wheat here, chaff there.
Grab order when you can.
What else is there, Jarod Reactor? What else is there?
You want heaven? CREATE SOMETHING!
Funnel your spinning energies into a forward force. Straighten that crooked sword - it may be useful yet.

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