Sunday, August 7, 2011

Now's the time. The time is now.

Waiting and waiting. Thank goodness I'm a patient man. (Does it count when you're calm on the outside and raging on the inside?)
One thing I've learned is how to Surrender. Be it going with the flow - or stalling in the stagnation.
It's amazing how disruptive a ghost can be - stirring up desire, need, love, remembrance, belonging, curiosity, confusion and exhaustion.
Rise with the tide - or be sucked down the drain.
When will it happen?
What is true? What's a lie?
Why, why, why?
Is this one OF me, or a thing separate? (How great would it be to know THIS?)
I face an uncertain future. Even cloudier than it was before. And, much shorter - and shorter, and shorter, and shorter...
Pushing to the brink - the icing of goodness, joy and wonder melting as I go. When I reach the precipice I will be but dusty bones. (Am I making myself clear, or just erasing?)


"Love is sweet.
Devotion is sweeter.
Surrender is sweetest."
(Sri Chinmoy)

Important: Do not confuse Surrender with giving up.

1 comment:

  1. I will not lie to you Jimmi. Nothing, but the truth. Have your doubts...just don't let them direct you....inhibit you. Follow your matter which direction toward.or away from me. B. is your son. B. is my son. More importantly...he is our son. I can't erase or even ease the hurt we all have suffered...I can't pretend it never happened either. Whatever the outcome...I'm a better person for knowing, loving, and being loved Rather you accept the re-entry of this entity or simply refuse to are not alone in this world....unless you choose to be.
