Saturday, August 6, 2011

I need to start winding TBOGL down. (Up?)

About 2 weeks ago, I met an 18 year old boy who may or may not be my son. I'm trying to process the accompanying barrage of information, questions and emotions. I don't know what else to say at this time.

Last Tuesday, I saw my primary care physician. He changed the dosages on 2 of my meds - it seems my thyroid is over-active and my blood is too thin. My thyroid condition is caused by another drug I am taking: Amiodarone.
I saw my cardiologist at UNC, Thursday. He interrogated my ICD and found that I have had NO episodes of V-Tach since my last visit. This is very good. But I'm still having A-Fib. This is bad. Since I had had the cardiac ablation in April, and have had no V-Tach recently, I posited that perhaps I could be taken off of the Amiodarone and placed back on Sotalol - a somewhat less intense drug. The Doctor agreed. This is good. Amiodarone has some awful side effects. My cardiologist determined that I need to have a new ICD installed (even though I just had one installed in April), and I'll need 2 additional "leads" attached to my heart. This procedure will be performed on August 31. Because of the Sotalol "loading," which will occur while I'm there, I will be hospitalized for 3 days.
Yesterday, I began having some rather severe episodes of A-Fib. I nearly blacked out a couple of times. My sister took me to the ER. The doctor couldn't tell me what was causing this. It could have been the result of stress, food, heat, dehydration or changes in medication. Or (as usual) a combination of these things. Often, it's a mystery.

The only word I've gotten on my Social Security Disability Benefits Application Appeal is that it may be 3 months before I get an answer.
This last year has been one of the most trying periods of my life...

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