Sunday, March 21, 2010

First apartment. 1978.

D'Arcy has just taken a shower in our shower without a shower curtain. Kim has been waiting to cook his breakfast. There is some small dispute over whether eggs and sausage should be cooked, or just eggs. D'Arcy insists that Kim cook sausage because she likes it and should eat with him.
Kim and D'Arcy look through some Governor's School stuff and his photo album. Kim goes home to get something for D'Arcy, while he uses her advanced math notes.
I crawl out of bed and go to the bathroom. The floor is wet from the shower. Kim returns with some photos for a project D'Arcy is doing. They must have decided not to eat breakfast. I go back to bed.

"Do you know how to...a parabola...X squared...?
"You've been picking at that scab."
"No I haven't, Mommy!"
"I don't have any clean socks. I'll have to wear these on the floor. They're kinda hard on the bottom. See?"
"Hey man, we'll see you later."

We have slept here two nights and eaten one meal together.

Between 7:30 and 8:30 am.

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