Sunday, March 21, 2010

From "Theme Furor."

There are times when not enough
is too much.
And too much is
not enough.
And forever is more than a word -
or is it less than reality?
Or is it a thoughtless, numbing
consumption of daily routines?
Yet, being timeless zombies of a
inescapable sentence,
we find pleasure in the dull 9 to 5,
being under influence
of political views
or a telescopic re-cap
of a neighbor's wife whose
every look is drawn from "dreary,"
to a dedicated apostle
who only hopes to sell
a head, whose mirror image
is exactly what he sees.
Being only human has its benefits, I suppose
yet, life is artificial -
plastic, plastic, glass and steel.
Meaning all is nothing
and nothing, everything
and remembrance is a dirty word
scribbled on the sidewalk, frightening
widowed women with a fate worse than death.
With a fate worse than death.
With a fate worse than death.
With a fate...

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