Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm old. There, I said it.

I was young for a long time. Nothing much changed. Nothing seemed as if it were ever going to change. Then, one day, I woke up and I was old.
My hair turned grey and unruly. I had weird aches and pains. Spots began to develop on my skin. Cancerous? Who knows. I started thinking about all those long Saturdays laying in the sun at the beach. But, I won't die of cancer. I'll die from a heart attack.
Wrinkles. Red blotches on my face. And my eye sight! Everything is blurry to me now. When I get my driver's license renewed in September, I pray that I'll be able to read the signs. The renewal will be good for 8 years. I probably won't live that long, so I won't have to worry about the next one.
I don't feel the same. I'm someone else. It's so hard for me to adjust. I don't have the energy. I don't feel like doing the things I used to love to do. Sometimes, though, that's a good thing.
People have told me that I'm a good looking guy, but when I look in the mirror I see something hideous looking back at me.
And there's nothing I can do about it. So I try to remain well groomed...

I heard "Magic Carpet Ride" on the radio today and I couldn't, for the life of me, remember the name of Steppenwolf's lead singer. It simply would not come to me. I finally got John. But John what? (And I wasn't 100% sure about the John.) So, I went through the alphabet, "A,B," When I got to K, it seemed right. Now, what starts with "K?" Eventually, it hit me: Kay!
This is the kind of thing that happens when you're old.

I'm old. But there's this 16 year old inside of me screaming "Let me out!!"
Sixteen. Jeez, that was 33 years ago...

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