Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dream June 2003.

I had a dream, once, that I was looking out of a window at night and the sky was filled(!) with UFOs. It was like an enormous invasion, but they were silently drifting along and they were covered in twinkling white lights.
As they disappeared into the horizon, I was still standing there, in awe, looking out into the night. At that point I heard someone playing a harmonica, in the otherwise still darkness. It got louder and louder and then I saw them. There were two clowns walking through my yard. One was sort of average in size, while the second one was bigger and taller. The big tall one was playing the harmonica.
My ex-wife B. was in the bedroom with me. I'm often still married to her in my dreams. She came to the window to see who was there. I closed and locked it and told her to get down and be quiet. Those clowns were evil.
As we sat silently on the floor in the darkness, the bedroom door creaked open a bit and a small gremlin-like creature peered through the crack and said, in a high-pitched, gravelly voice, "Open the door!"
I woke up.

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