Sunday, March 21, 2010

From "Theme Furor."

A fox of true colours,
standing aloud, beside the Relentless Ink Stream,
in contrast to the grimy forest backdrop.
This is the real world.
And, as the lights go out -
a fox of no colour becomes as one with the Relentless Ink Stream, as it over-flows,
tearing down the grimy forest backdrop and cascading over the edges of the electric earth, until planet and void become inseparable.
And, in the morning - a fox of two tails - one midnight, one noon-day sun - stands atop the skyscraper junk heap and peers out over his domain. He is a kindly king and all love him.
His friend and advisor is the eagle of four wisdoms. He relates to the earthly masses. He oversees the reconstruction of the forest backdrop and has it painted "grimy" so as not to confuse the masses by proclaiming that we live in an antiseptic world.
He feeds upon the mice that feed upon the skyscraper junk heap.
One of his wisdoms tells him that for some to live, others must die. For some to reign, others must slave.
A universal truth is inscribed upon two beer cans and, under his direction, they are tossed into the air.
One remains. The other falls into the Relentless Ink Stream and, with the setting up of the grimy forest backdrop, the process begins anew.
A fox of true colours.
He stands aloud.
And all who see him chant "deja vu" and believe it.

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