Friday, March 26, 2010

My heart (update).

I went to Chapel Hill today for a check-up.
My cardiologist is beginning to grow on me a bit. Maybe he was just in a good mood because it's Spring. And it's a Friday. He's very British. He says things like, "I shan't be a moment." I've always been uptight and nervous when I have to visit, so I don't think I picked up on his (extremely) dry humour. Also, he's an incredibly busy man. Very direct. To the point - and understandably so.
In my line of work, no one's life is in my hands.
My EKG looked good, relatively speaking, and my ICD reading was much better than last time. I had fewer incidents of tachycardia. And the ones I had were less severe. So the new medication seems to be working.
My Cardiologist was happy and so was I. I have to go back in 6 months.

I saw a really cool tag on the three hour drive up. It said "ASK TELL." On the front of the truck was a Rainbow Flag tag.
I got lost, as usual, when I got in the Triangle area. I had to stop and ask directions. One Jamaican dude in a convenience store gave me some rambling instructions and another guy said, "You don't want to go that way..." He seemed the clearer of the two, so I followed his directions and they worked out - after I made a wrong turn and doubled back. I hate driving up there.
Anyway, I'm home (thank you Jeebus!) and planning to make a few changes. I've gained some weight over this long, dark, cold, wet winter and I've developed some bad habits. Imagine that...
Spring is a time for rebirth.

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