Thursday, April 22, 2010

The 60's and Change. Written around Feb. 2002.

I was born in September, 1960, at the beginning of what turned out to be a turbulent decade. There was Free Love, courtesy of the Sexual Revolution, and a horrible mess of a war. There was the Civil Rights Movement and Women's Lib. By the end of it there was Woodstock and a man walked on the moon. The world changed in the 60's. I was a child of the 60's.

Thinking about all of the doomsday predictions for the new millennium, a couple of years ago (actually, 2001 - but I digress...), reminded me of 1969. I was 9 years old and had lived my whole life in the 60's. I was rather concerned about the decade change. The idea of the 1970's felt like stepping into the future - with all of its uncertainty. My mom, who was about to enter her 6th decade, reassured me that it was no big deal. In fact it held the possibilities of exciting new things...

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