Saturday, April 3, 2010

My birthday. 2002.

I remember my 3rd grade teacher talking to us about the future. She told us that in the year 2000(!), we'd only be 40. FORTY?! We thought that was ancient. Well, here I am, turning 42 today.
I'm kinda depressed. Not because of the age thing, but because of the way I've been acting lately. I am not aging gracefully. In fact, I've become rather grace-less these days. I've got to work on this. And I mean REALLY work. I desperately want to be a better person.
So, maybe I'll start on that today. Sept. 15, 2002.
John Lennon said that life begins at 40. OK, maybe he's a bad example, but he had the right idea.
Maybe my life is beginning at 42.
Here's hoping.

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