Sunday, April 11, 2010

The last week, or so, of my life.

This is the last day of my week long vacation. Well, nine days, if you count the weekends. It has been AWESOME! Because of my line of work, I haven't had a vacation in warm weather in something like 16 years. Even though I spent half of the time working (like a dog) on my house and cleaning up my yard, I still enjoyed it. And I got a lot done. I've done carpentry, mechanical work, painting, tree trimming, burning and mowing.

I went down town for a little Azalea Festival stuff this afternoon. Beautiful day! Lots of people. But, I couldn't find the art show! That's mainly why I went. I wish I had someone to do these kinds of things with, but I don't...sigh...

The other day, I was trying to work on a CD burning project. I managed to get 2 CD's burned, almost by accident, then everything went screwy. The visuals on my laptop screen changed. It became very complicated and confusing. I wasted lots of discs. It was excruciating! Then, when I tried a disc out in my home CD player, it got caught inside and wouldn't come out. I had to take the cover off and look for the disc. It was nowhere to be found. Not only had the machine eaten it, it had apparently digested it also. Eventually, I did find the disc - UNDER the tray! I can't figure out, for the life of me, how that happened. By the time I got it out, my CD player was screwed up. It simply would not work anymore. I messed with it a bit, getting more and more frustrated, then jerked the plugs out, so I could throw it out the door. As I was doing this, it fell over on my bare foot, gashing me open - like it was getting in a last jab. Dripping blood, I carried it, unceremoniously, out to the trash can. Luckily, I found an old CD player in the closet. It's banged up, but it plays. For now.
I decided to go to Best Buy to look for simpler CD burning software. I had a program on my old computer that I liked. I bought the newest version of that. And, boy was it worth it! Click on a button to start. Click on a button when you're finished. While I was there, I thought I would look for CD players. Guess what? They didn't have any. No one buys CD players anymore. I went to Radio Shack. Same thing. I saw a receiver (a rare thing in itself) with a CD function on it, but no CD player to go with it. The guy working there looked it up on the computer, and found one. One. It would have to be special ordered. I may get it.

A lot has happened in the past 9 days. I won't get into all of it here... but, with the temperatures in the 70s and 80s, I've really enjoyed the time off.
Back to work in the morning.

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