Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Present. The Future. The Past.

So, I'm this guy - me - my age, living in the present, 2010, going about my day to day life. Then, suddenly, I wake up - from a dream, from a coma, whatever - and discover that it's actually 1975. And I'm 15 years old. After I get my mind around that, I realize that I've seen the future. Think about it. Consider all that has happened in the past 35 years...
My dad died in 1975. My best friend, D'Arcy, would be alive for 5 more years. Five short years. My mom was alive. My brother was alive. Both for 10 more years.
My beloved dog Ginger was alive. Disco was king. Rap hadn't been invented. Gerald Ford, who I saw at the State Fair, was president.
There were no computers. No video games. No music videos. No Internet. No cell phones. No DVDs. Heck, no VHS. No Ipods. Not even CDs. And, of course, no African American president.
I would find D'Arcy and tell him what had happened to me. How I was a middle aged man (!) living in the future.
God, what a story I'd have to tell. Did I pay enough attention. Could I remember all of the facts? All of the names and details?
Well, brother D'Arcy, here goes:

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