Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saturday night. December 14, 2002.

Starting last night and lasting all of today, I've been really fed up with everything and everybody. Fuck'em all!

I'm at the Armory in Shallotte, N.C., preparing to shoot another wrestling show.
Right before I left the house, I watched a little bit of a Peter, Paul and Mary holiday special. I know Peter's last name is Yarrow and Mary's last name is Travers, but I can't remember Paul's last name. God, they've been doing their thing for a long time.
I remembered that when I was a little kid, I had 3 rabbits, named Peter, Paul and Mary. And that made me remember where I got them. My dad used to work with this old man named John Ammett. This was before I was born, but when I was little, we used to go visit him, sometimes. When I was about 9 or 10, Mr. Ammett was 83 years old. I recall his age because it was my school bus number. That old man was full of life. He came from Hungary - ran away from home - at the age of 10. He actually got on a ship and came to America! In 1897!
When he arrived and walked down the ramp of the ship, the first person he saw was a large black man. Having never seen a black man before in his life, he thought it was the devil - there to get him for running away. Can you imagine?
He was a great guy, with a thick accent, who loved to laugh and joke with you. He would slap my dad hard on the back when they were joking around. My dad was very fond of him. And so was I.
Mr. Ammett had quite the menagerie at his home: horses, cows, chickens, geese, rabbits, ducks, goats, pigeons, cats and a dog. He gave me those 3 rabbits I named Peter, Paul and Mary. There just aren't enough people in the world like him. He was a real character who loved life.
By the way, I came home that day with 3 rabbits, but it wasn't long before I had 15 or 20...

At one point, in my childhood, it was kind of a fad to have pet mice. I had 2: Romeo and Juliet. My cousin had 2 also: Bonnie and Clyde. Eventually, his Bonnie died and my Romeo died. He gave me Clyde. So, I had Clyde and Juliet. Now there's a movie...

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