Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dec. 26, 2002 (A dream).

I survived another Christmas.

I had a dream, the other night, that I was coming up, through the woods, into my uncle's backyard. J.M., my cousin, was living there as an adult. He actually did stay there, for a while, with his wife and kids, but he moved, years ago, and my aunt moved back in. Anyway, he was living there, apparently by himself, in this dream. I came up to the back door and knocked. I could hear music playing. It was "Gates of Delirium" from Yes' Relayer album. And, it was an LP playing - I could hear scratches and general surface noise.
No one answered my knock, so I kind of pushed the door open and peeked in. "Anybody home?" I didn't see anyone, so I walked in and began to cautiously go through the house. It was like a maze. I went through a door into the kitchen and there was Sean Penn at the sink, washing dishes. He had something cooking on the stove. I said, "Hey Sean, is J.M. around?" He said that J.M. was out in the driveway.
I walked out and there he was, sort of piddling around in his yard. We walked around his house (which looked like it did before my uncle had it bricked) and talked about home repairs. In the dream, his house was in as bad of shape as mine really is.
J.M. is several years older than me. We were never really very close.

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