Monday, June 28, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Mom got her tax refund check and payed me the hundred she borrowed.
It's about 9 pm now. I have to go to work at 12.
The post office closed before I could mail Katherine's letter.
I was just squeezing blood from a cut between my thumb and index finger on my left hand. The top half of a mike stand fell, pinching my hand. What an exciting life I lead!

Russell called the other day and got mad at me because I wouldn't go with him to look for a car. Just previous to this, he'd gotten mad at D'Arcy and Ronnie. I was thinking about calling him, but if D'Arcy has already called him, he would have already told Russell our story (see previous post) and made an all out effort to get Russell to side with him, after the way I "did him wrong." It's complicated. I'm not sure what to do.
I've decided some things, though. One is that D'Arcy is not a rational human being. He is beginning to scare me. I have this feeling that he is going to have revenge - and there's no telling what that could mean.

I payed my bank payment today, but still haven't payed my phone bill.

Today, while I was waiting for mom to come out of The Town Pharmacy and Mack's, a man stood in a phone booth, in front of my parking space, saying "Hello! Hello!", over and over again - becoming increasingly louder and more frustrated. Finally, he screamed "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME?!" so loudly that everyone around looked at him. He slammed the phone down and walked out, disgusted.
Also, a woman's car horn hung up and blew for a long time.

It's a little past 11 pm now and I have to quit writing pretty soon, so I can take a shower and be ready to leave for work by 11:45.
In the letter that I wrote Katherine, I said that I was going to stop partying so much, and wasting money and time so foolishly. Time will tell if I can stick by this.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 12, 1980. It's 5:30 in the afternoon, but I've only been up for about 3 hours.
I was just interrupted, while writing this, by my nephew D___ - who brought over our mail. I opened the phone bill to check on my long distance calls. Forty-six dollars and fifty cents! No! Yes! That's more than I'll make next week, and I won't have any money saved from this week, either. I have a $42.00 bank payment due today, also. Mom's gonna freak when she sees a phone bill that, with regular charges, amounts to $55.OO! It's usually about $8.50.
It's raining. D'Arcy's thinking of joining the army. Eddie's working for his uncle's chemist firm. Ronnie no longer works at Parker's. He's drawing unemployment. And, I miss Katherine very much.

Today is March, 18. Yesterday, I went to uncle Johnny's funeral.
Last night I went skating with D'Arcy and my nephew B____. We got B____ a bottle of T.J. Swan and ourselves a quart of beer each. When we got to the rink, we smoked a joint. D'Arcy and I. B____ doesn't smoke. When we went in, we met Alan A., a black football star, his sister, some Pellom guy and a girl named Tammy. They all went to our school. Also, Donna H. was there, with her 2 sisters and 2 of her brothers.
I skated around with that Tammy girl only to find out that she was with Alan. I skated some with Donna. D'Arcy met some girl and skated with her a while. Later, when we left, she came running out past Alan and me yelling, "Tom D'Arcy!" to her friend.
We gave Alan a ride home and I had a feeling we shouldn't have. About half way between Leland and Maco, my car lights went out and we had to continue the trip in darkness. We made it there, smoked a bit and hung out. I told them that I had to leave in order to get my brother to look at my lights, so I could make it to work at 1:00 am. D'Arcy, as he's done many times before, when he's drunk or stoned, didn't respect my situation. He wouldn't leave - making it sound as if I were doing him filthy wrong. I finally got him in the car, but we had a terrible argument. I got so fed up with him, I told him to get out. He said if I was man enough to make him get out, to do it. So I did.
I didn't want to put him out, so far down the road, at night, in the rain, no less, but he insisted on running his mouth and cussing me for everything possible. In other words, he was being an inconsiderate bastard. An absolute lunatic. Today he probably went and had himself sworn into the army. We'll probably never speak to each other again.
I made it home in the dark. Some guy got behind me on the 4 lanes and shined his lights so I could see. He followed me all the way to Leland. That was cool of him.
I wrote Katherine last night and told her everything that happened.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 11, 1980. Katherine called me today from Raleigh. She said that she would be leaving on the 7:30 pm train for Florida (to start basic training for the Navy) and that she should arrive tomorrow, at about 8:30 am.

Yesterday was a day that I won't soon forget.
I took a shower and was getting ready to go to the bus station, when I noticed I was running kind of late. I ran out of the house, jumped in the car - and it wouldn't start. I asked my sister if she would give me a jump and she did. I then sped off to get gas. At the local country store, I ran into my cousin's wife and I talked to her for a minute. She said she saw us at The Dry Dock (a local seafood restaurant) the other day. Then I had to go in to get Mrs. Catherine, the old lady that owns the store, to start the pumps. She was on the phone. Finally I got some gas and raced off to try to get to the bus station before 4:00.
On the way over, I got into some very slow traffic - and it seemed as if I caught every red light. When I got downtown, I was so nervous I couldn't remember how to get to the bus station. I had to stop and ask someone.
Pulling into the parking lot of the Greyhound station felt wonderful, but I was soon panicking again, as I didn't recognize any of the cars in the parking lot. I burst into the waiting room and looked around wildly. Looking back on it, it was like a scene from a movie. Then I saw my niece and her husband, and then everyone else.
Everyone but Katherine!
"She's in the restroom, Jimmi!"
"Oh...whew! I almost didn't make it."
When Katherine came out, she didn't see me at first. But, when she did, she came over, crying, and sat next to me. I hugged her and starting crying, before I could tell her that I loved her. I mumbled it through my tears and she did the same. I don't know how many people were crying, because I didn't look up, but I heard others.
Katherine and I walked outside and I turned my car off. I had left it running because I was afraid it wouldn't start. But, now I knew there were people there to jump me, if needed. I held her and asked her to marry me. She said yes. I told her that I couldn't wait for her to complete basic training and school.

I kissed Katherine good-bye and stood there as she got on the bus. My niece put her arm around me - and I needed it. But, I just wasn't ready to let her go. I ran up on the bus and kissed her again and told her that I loved her - and tried to tell her to make sure she came back to me, but I was crying again.
The bus driver got on and closed the door. I almost went with her.
I remember the bus pulling out and Katherine waving. Then, when the bus was out of sight, we all walked off. All of a sudden, I felt all alone. I didn't say anything to anybody. I was really up-tight and crying. My niece put her hand on my shoulder and said "take care". Then, as I almost reached my car, Delores called me. I turned and she came up to me and hugged me tightly, and I cried, and she said that Katherine would be back soon, and I tried to say "I know". Ken said, "Now, don't forget where we live." And Delores said, "Come see us, Jimmi. Now, I mean that!"
I said, "OK".
I waved to everyone as they left and I cried all the way to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 10 and it's 11:30 am. Katherine is leaving on the 4:00 bus.

Yesterday, I took my mom to church and drove over to Katherine's parents' house for dinner. There were lots of people there: Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Cebral, Roxy and Mike, Ralph was home from school, Raymond, Johnny and Louise, Rosemary and Mike, Ken and Delores, Anita and a friend of hers - Shelly, Little Johnny and Phillip. It was very confusing and very enjoyable. After dinner, we played basketball in the driveway. Luckily, I was on Johnnie's side (he's 6'9"). After basketball, the girls talked me and Mike into going skating. Neither one of us can skate, but we tried - and I must say it was fun.
A really nice thing happened yesterday. I felt close to Delores all day long. She was so nice to me - and when Katherine got all huffy about something dumb and I got up to put my shoes on, Delores came over and sat real close to me and told me that she knew exactly how I felt. She said, "Listen, Jimmi - this is the last whole day you'll have before she leaves. I know how you feel. Really. I feel like that myself sometimes. It's just that some people are overly protective and motherly. They worry over everybody. Katherine's that way. It's just like when she wanted to help you play your hand in Black Jack. She does it to me and she does it to Ken. Sometimes I almost tell her not to be so controlling and possessive - that it's not a good thing to be that way - and I would tell her right now if tomorrow wasn't her last day."
Needless to say, I almost cried. Delores understood fully because she understands Katherine.
Later on that night, we went to Ken and Delores'. Katherine wanted me to do a Quaalude. I did. I washed it down with a beer and then drank quite a bit of vodka. Then, Delores fired up the bong. All of a sudden, I felt the Quaalude kick in. Delores said that it would make me horny.
When we got really messed up, me and Delores started talking about things we wouldn't normally talk about. We delved into Ken's personality, among other things. Pretty soon, after Mike and Rosemary came and left, and after Ken was home for a while (he did half a Quaalude), Katherine and I went back to the bedroom to talk. Delores kept saying that if we wanted to "talk," we could use the bedroom. She went all around saying "have sex."
"This might be the last chance you'll get to talk."
I felt funny when Delores said, "If we're not up when you leave, lock the door."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

It is now Wednesday, about 6 pm. I worked last night, and on the way out of our snow covered dirt road, I got stuck a couple of times. My brother-in-law, my sister and my nephew helped to push me out.
Katherine called me last night and told me that those weren't the last words she wanted to say to me. She said that if she had to say last words, they would be "I love you." I would not have called her back, although I did entertain some fantasies about her breaking down and calling - but it was more than I could take when it actually happened.
"I'm sorry, Katherine. I don't know what's wrong with me! I guess I'm just argumentative. I don't know."
"I'm sorry too." She said this very quietly. She's not good at saying she's sorry - it's hard for her. But, she said it.
"I guess you just don't understand how I love Ken and Delores. I love you too, but the two are different kinds of love. I love them because they've done so much for me. It's not an obsession..."
Just because she used the word "obsession," I felt she had really given some thought to what I had said to her.

I left for work early and stopped by D'Arcy's. We smoked one joint and got very high. I left his house with 2 bags to take to Ken, when I went to see Katherine. He looked them over and picked one. We smoked several bong hits and I was stoned all night long. I'm going to leave for work early tonight and see D'Arcy. I'll give him back the other bag and the 35 bucks. He promises to get us messed up.

Katherine called and wanted me to come see her at her mother's house. I think I'll have to tell her I can't make it...

By the way, I got stuck again, coming home from work, after taking one of my co-workers home. I was driving my brother's truck and I had to leave it where it was. He woke me up on his way to work and we went and got it unstuck. That was at 7 am. I went back to bed.

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

It's about 4 pm now. I have talked to D'Arcy. It was after my mother and I had a fierce, draining argument. She finally said something very hurtful to me and I called her a bitch. She then threw the door, that I was working on, outside. We haven't said a word to each other since. D'Arcy and I talked about moving out. I told him I wanted to move out soon.
I talked to Eddie and he told me that he had finally gotten his drum set. It's quite a set and I'm very excited for him.
I called Katherine and Ken said she was visiting Gayle and that he would have her call when she came home. When she finally did call me, we argued. She said that I took nothing seriously in life, that it was all a big game and I was just out to have fun. She insisted that I start all of the arguments and that I always take what she says in any way I want, so long as it makes me look as if I have been done wrong. I told her that if she was sure that was the last thing she ever wanted to say to me, then she would never see me again. Ever. I was going to buy her a ring, but I'm not now. She doesn't care. She's a user and I guess I've always kind of known - but I wanted love.
One more thing: Katherine never apologizes.
Katherine hung up on me - playing a game. Getting me back for hanging up on our last conversation. I called back. Even if our relationship had primarily been a joke, I wanted to end it face to face - and I wanted to tell her that. Delores answered, saying that Katherine was upset and It might not be a good idea to talk to her now. She said that they liked me and that I knew how much they loved Katherine and that they felt like they were in the middle. I apologized to her for making them feel that way. I really was sorry.
I'm going to take a shower, now. I feel awfully grungy and greased-out. I think I'll shave my beard off and start my new life with this act. My new Spring life.
The snow is melting fast.

Monday, June 21, 2010

March 1980

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March 1980

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March 1980

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March 1980

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The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Time has lapsed. It is about 3 o'clock, Tuesday morning.
I talked to Katherine over the phone last night. She told me how much she wanted me. We began talking about how little time we have to see each other and I brought up the fact that she will be spending her last 2 days with Delores in Sanford. This line of conversation developed into an argument. She became very defensive and it finally came out that she would rather be with Delores than me those last few days. "Delores and Ken have done more for me than anybody. She's gotten me out of more trouble than you'll ever see in your life!"
I said "Good." and hung up. Ken and Delores are wonderful people, but Katherine has always had a sick relationship with them. She worships them - and it disgusts me. After our conversation today, I knew I could never marry her. Hell! She's already married - to Ken and Delores!
It all seems very unhealthy to me.
I talked again to D'Arcy today - or rather, last night. Not much going on there. Same here. Maybe I'll see him later on today. Or tomorrow.

It is now about 1 pm and the snow is beginning to melt. The weather has certainly been strange: it was thundering and lightening during the snowfall and now it's warm outside. We're expecting a high near 60 degrees while there is over a foot of snow on the ground.
I haven't talked to D'Arcy yet. I thought about calling Katherine, but dismissed the idea. After today, we'll only have 3 more days to be together.

Winter 1980

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The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

I purchased this notebook (with the Rolling Stones' lips and tongue logo on the cover) with the intention of recording my thoughts and/or creative writings. This is significant because being out of school, I no longer have an abundance of paper around.
Today is March 3, 1980. There has been a record amount of snow in the last 3 days. The storm has paralysed most of the state. Hardly anyone could get to work, so today, even more so than the past 2 days, has been a day of relaxation and play in the snow. And we have snow! More than anyone can remember: a covering of a foot and a half - with drifts up to 4 feet or more. Cars are stranded all over the highways.
It isn't snowing anymore. The skies have cleared. The kids are out today. But, 2 kids were out last night, in a virtual blizzard, building a snowman. It is the tallest snowman I have ever made: about five and a half feet! My brother, the other kid, used black spray paint to outline his pockets, sleeves, pants, etc.
Today is Monday. D'Arcy has been home from Chapel Hill since Friday, but I have only seen him once, because of the snow. Also, the last I saw of Katherine was Friday. I only talked to her for a little while, but I did experience her last moments at work. I was with her as she walked out the door for the last time. she will be leaving (for the Navy) a week from today.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm beginning to think I'm not going to meet anyone decent online. I know, I know, I'm slow.
Maybe I'm not ever going to be in a relationship again. Period.
I read an ad recently where a guy said he was looking for someone from 30 to 40 years old. He said that guys in their 20s were all about partying, getting wasted and having sex. He said they possess limited communication skills.
He went on to say that men over 40 tend to be curmudgeons, let themselves go and that they are bitter and set in their ways.
And I think he's right about everything. And that's sad.
Is there any hope for me? Not likely.
I'm starting to give serious consideration to the idea of being alone for the rest of my life. That may well be what happens.
Is there an web site for curmudgeon dating?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Feeling a good bit better. (Weekend Up-date.)

Well...not much to say. Actually, there's plenty(!), but I'm not divulging it.
It's been very summery lately. Hot. I am feeling better, though. I just have a sore throat, but it's a lot less sore than it was.
A friend of mine notified me that he had posted a pic of me on his facebook page. I'm standing in a store holding a large, stuffed monkey with a big, funny oval mouth. Kinda like a blow-up doll.
My friend Chuck came down this weekend and we went to the flea market, where I found a DVD copy of "Sordid Lives." I just finished watching that.
"Shoot him in the head, Wardell!"
My ex wife came by for a little while yesterday. She had her 3 step grand children in tow. I sometimes wonder what's going on in her mind. I'd kinda like a little peek...
It's been a busy weekend, but today was quiet. I did up my pill boxes (I'm good for another week), drove down to North Myrtle Beach, came home, went to the grocery store, washed some clothes (and the dog), cooked something good to eat, and watched that movie. At some point during the day, I realized that I'm not that unhappy being alone sometimes. I can do whatever I want and it's very peaceful.
I received a short email from this guy I met online. "How's your Sunday going." He says he's a professional writer. He seems to have a rather terse style. I answered back, "Ok. How's YOUR Sunday going." A little online tit for tat. Of course, most people don't pick up on these things.
I have to go put some clothes in the drier and close out the weekend by getting ready for Monday.
Thanks for hanging out with me, Chuck. Our relationship has changed (that's inevitable), but I still love talking to you. You know me about as well as anyone.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Springtime cold? More like THE FLU!

I haven't been posting lately because I'm STILL sick.
This has been one nasty bug! Fever, body aches, cough, congestion... I have horrible coughing fits that keep me awake at night and my throat is raw.
I went back to work today, but I sure didn't feel like it.
I'm going to dope myself up and go to bed early.