Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 10 and it's 11:30 am. Katherine is leaving on the 4:00 bus.

Yesterday, I took my mom to church and drove over to Katherine's parents' house for dinner. There were lots of people there: Mr. and Mrs. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Cebral, Roxy and Mike, Ralph was home from school, Raymond, Johnny and Louise, Rosemary and Mike, Ken and Delores, Anita and a friend of hers - Shelly, Little Johnny and Phillip. It was very confusing and very enjoyable. After dinner, we played basketball in the driveway. Luckily, I was on Johnnie's side (he's 6'9"). After basketball, the girls talked me and Mike into going skating. Neither one of us can skate, but we tried - and I must say it was fun.
A really nice thing happened yesterday. I felt close to Delores all day long. She was so nice to me - and when Katherine got all huffy about something dumb and I got up to put my shoes on, Delores came over and sat real close to me and told me that she knew exactly how I felt. She said, "Listen, Jimmi - this is the last whole day you'll have before she leaves. I know how you feel. Really. I feel like that myself sometimes. It's just that some people are overly protective and motherly. They worry over everybody. Katherine's that way. It's just like when she wanted to help you play your hand in Black Jack. She does it to me and she does it to Ken. Sometimes I almost tell her not to be so controlling and possessive - that it's not a good thing to be that way - and I would tell her right now if tomorrow wasn't her last day."
Needless to say, I almost cried. Delores understood fully because she understands Katherine.
Later on that night, we went to Ken and Delores'. Katherine wanted me to do a Quaalude. I did. I washed it down with a beer and then drank quite a bit of vodka. Then, Delores fired up the bong. All of a sudden, I felt the Quaalude kick in. Delores said that it would make me horny.
When we got really messed up, me and Delores started talking about things we wouldn't normally talk about. We delved into Ken's personality, among other things. Pretty soon, after Mike and Rosemary came and left, and after Ken was home for a while (he did half a Quaalude), Katherine and I went back to the bedroom to talk. Delores kept saying that if we wanted to "talk," we could use the bedroom. She went all around saying "have sex."
"This might be the last chance you'll get to talk."
I felt funny when Delores said, "If we're not up when you leave, lock the door."

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