Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

It is now Wednesday, about 6 pm. I worked last night, and on the way out of our snow covered dirt road, I got stuck a couple of times. My brother-in-law, my sister and my nephew helped to push me out.
Katherine called me last night and told me that those weren't the last words she wanted to say to me. She said that if she had to say last words, they would be "I love you." I would not have called her back, although I did entertain some fantasies about her breaking down and calling - but it was more than I could take when it actually happened.
"I'm sorry, Katherine. I don't know what's wrong with me! I guess I'm just argumentative. I don't know."
"I'm sorry too." She said this very quietly. She's not good at saying she's sorry - it's hard for her. But, she said it.
"I guess you just don't understand how I love Ken and Delores. I love you too, but the two are different kinds of love. I love them because they've done so much for me. It's not an obsession..."
Just because she used the word "obsession," I felt she had really given some thought to what I had said to her.

I left for work early and stopped by D'Arcy's. We smoked one joint and got very high. I left his house with 2 bags to take to Ken, when I went to see Katherine. He looked them over and picked one. We smoked several bong hits and I was stoned all night long. I'm going to leave for work early tonight and see D'Arcy. I'll give him back the other bag and the 35 bucks. He promises to get us messed up.

Katherine called and wanted me to come see her at her mother's house. I think I'll have to tell her I can't make it...

By the way, I got stuck again, coming home from work, after taking one of my co-workers home. I was driving my brother's truck and I had to leave it where it was. He woke me up on his way to work and we went and got it unstuck. That was at 7 am. I went back to bed.

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