Thursday, June 24, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 11, 1980. Katherine called me today from Raleigh. She said that she would be leaving on the 7:30 pm train for Florida (to start basic training for the Navy) and that she should arrive tomorrow, at about 8:30 am.

Yesterday was a day that I won't soon forget.
I took a shower and was getting ready to go to the bus station, when I noticed I was running kind of late. I ran out of the house, jumped in the car - and it wouldn't start. I asked my sister if she would give me a jump and she did. I then sped off to get gas. At the local country store, I ran into my cousin's wife and I talked to her for a minute. She said she saw us at The Dry Dock (a local seafood restaurant) the other day. Then I had to go in to get Mrs. Catherine, the old lady that owns the store, to start the pumps. She was on the phone. Finally I got some gas and raced off to try to get to the bus station before 4:00.
On the way over, I got into some very slow traffic - and it seemed as if I caught every red light. When I got downtown, I was so nervous I couldn't remember how to get to the bus station. I had to stop and ask someone.
Pulling into the parking lot of the Greyhound station felt wonderful, but I was soon panicking again, as I didn't recognize any of the cars in the parking lot. I burst into the waiting room and looked around wildly. Looking back on it, it was like a scene from a movie. Then I saw my niece and her husband, and then everyone else.
Everyone but Katherine!
"She's in the restroom, Jimmi!"
"Oh...whew! I almost didn't make it."
When Katherine came out, she didn't see me at first. But, when she did, she came over, crying, and sat next to me. I hugged her and starting crying, before I could tell her that I loved her. I mumbled it through my tears and she did the same. I don't know how many people were crying, because I didn't look up, but I heard others.
Katherine and I walked outside and I turned my car off. I had left it running because I was afraid it wouldn't start. But, now I knew there were people there to jump me, if needed. I held her and asked her to marry me. She said yes. I told her that I couldn't wait for her to complete basic training and school.

I kissed Katherine good-bye and stood there as she got on the bus. My niece put her arm around me - and I needed it. But, I just wasn't ready to let her go. I ran up on the bus and kissed her again and told her that I loved her - and tried to tell her to make sure she came back to me, but I was crying again.
The bus driver got on and closed the door. I almost went with her.
I remember the bus pulling out and Katherine waving. Then, when the bus was out of sight, we all walked off. All of a sudden, I felt all alone. I didn't say anything to anybody. I was really up-tight and crying. My niece put her hand on my shoulder and said "take care". Then, as I almost reached my car, Delores called me. I turned and she came up to me and hugged me tightly, and I cried, and she said that Katherine would be back soon, and I tried to say "I know". Ken said, "Now, don't forget where we live." And Delores said, "Come see us, Jimmi. Now, I mean that!"
I said, "OK".
I waved to everyone as they left and I cried all the way to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

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