Monday, June 21, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Time has lapsed. It is about 3 o'clock, Tuesday morning.
I talked to Katherine over the phone last night. She told me how much she wanted me. We began talking about how little time we have to see each other and I brought up the fact that she will be spending her last 2 days with Delores in Sanford. This line of conversation developed into an argument. She became very defensive and it finally came out that she would rather be with Delores than me those last few days. "Delores and Ken have done more for me than anybody. She's gotten me out of more trouble than you'll ever see in your life!"
I said "Good." and hung up. Ken and Delores are wonderful people, but Katherine has always had a sick relationship with them. She worships them - and it disgusts me. After our conversation today, I knew I could never marry her. Hell! She's already married - to Ken and Delores!
It all seems very unhealthy to me.
I talked again to D'Arcy today - or rather, last night. Not much going on there. Same here. Maybe I'll see him later on today. Or tomorrow.

It is now about 1 pm and the snow is beginning to melt. The weather has certainly been strange: it was thundering and lightening during the snowfall and now it's warm outside. We're expecting a high near 60 degrees while there is over a foot of snow on the ground.
I haven't talked to D'Arcy yet. I thought about calling Katherine, but dismissed the idea. After today, we'll only have 3 more days to be together.

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