Sunday, June 6, 2010

Feeling a good bit better. (Weekend Up-date.)

Well...not much to say. Actually, there's plenty(!), but I'm not divulging it.
It's been very summery lately. Hot. I am feeling better, though. I just have a sore throat, but it's a lot less sore than it was.
A friend of mine notified me that he had posted a pic of me on his facebook page. I'm standing in a store holding a large, stuffed monkey with a big, funny oval mouth. Kinda like a blow-up doll.
My friend Chuck came down this weekend and we went to the flea market, where I found a DVD copy of "Sordid Lives." I just finished watching that.
"Shoot him in the head, Wardell!"
My ex wife came by for a little while yesterday. She had her 3 step grand children in tow. I sometimes wonder what's going on in her mind. I'd kinda like a little peek...
It's been a busy weekend, but today was quiet. I did up my pill boxes (I'm good for another week), drove down to North Myrtle Beach, came home, went to the grocery store, washed some clothes (and the dog), cooked something good to eat, and watched that movie. At some point during the day, I realized that I'm not that unhappy being alone sometimes. I can do whatever I want and it's very peaceful.
I received a short email from this guy I met online. "How's your Sunday going." He says he's a professional writer. He seems to have a rather terse style. I answered back, "Ok. How's YOUR Sunday going." A little online tit for tat. Of course, most people don't pick up on these things.
I have to go put some clothes in the drier and close out the weekend by getting ready for Monday.
Thanks for hanging out with me, Chuck. Our relationship has changed (that's inevitable), but I still love talking to you. You know me about as well as anyone.

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