Sunday, June 27, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

Today is March 12, 1980. It's 5:30 in the afternoon, but I've only been up for about 3 hours.
I was just interrupted, while writing this, by my nephew D___ - who brought over our mail. I opened the phone bill to check on my long distance calls. Forty-six dollars and fifty cents! No! Yes! That's more than I'll make next week, and I won't have any money saved from this week, either. I have a $42.00 bank payment due today, also. Mom's gonna freak when she sees a phone bill that, with regular charges, amounts to $55.OO! It's usually about $8.50.
It's raining. D'Arcy's thinking of joining the army. Eddie's working for his uncle's chemist firm. Ronnie no longer works at Parker's. He's drawing unemployment. And, I miss Katherine very much.

Today is March, 18. Yesterday, I went to uncle Johnny's funeral.
Last night I went skating with D'Arcy and my nephew B____. We got B____ a bottle of T.J. Swan and ourselves a quart of beer each. When we got to the rink, we smoked a joint. D'Arcy and I. B____ doesn't smoke. When we went in, we met Alan A., a black football star, his sister, some Pellom guy and a girl named Tammy. They all went to our school. Also, Donna H. was there, with her 2 sisters and 2 of her brothers.
I skated around with that Tammy girl only to find out that she was with Alan. I skated some with Donna. D'Arcy met some girl and skated with her a while. Later, when we left, she came running out past Alan and me yelling, "Tom D'Arcy!" to her friend.
We gave Alan a ride home and I had a feeling we shouldn't have. About half way between Leland and Maco, my car lights went out and we had to continue the trip in darkness. We made it there, smoked a bit and hung out. I told them that I had to leave in order to get my brother to look at my lights, so I could make it to work at 1:00 am. D'Arcy, as he's done many times before, when he's drunk or stoned, didn't respect my situation. He wouldn't leave - making it sound as if I were doing him filthy wrong. I finally got him in the car, but we had a terrible argument. I got so fed up with him, I told him to get out. He said if I was man enough to make him get out, to do it. So I did.
I didn't want to put him out, so far down the road, at night, in the rain, no less, but he insisted on running his mouth and cussing me for everything possible. In other words, he was being an inconsiderate bastard. An absolute lunatic. Today he probably went and had himself sworn into the army. We'll probably never speak to each other again.
I made it home in the dark. Some guy got behind me on the 4 lanes and shined his lights so I could see. He followed me all the way to Leland. That was cool of him.
I wrote Katherine last night and told her everything that happened.

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