Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm beginning to think I'm not going to meet anyone decent online. I know, I know, I'm slow.
Maybe I'm not ever going to be in a relationship again. Period.
I read an ad recently where a guy said he was looking for someone from 30 to 40 years old. He said that guys in their 20s were all about partying, getting wasted and having sex. He said they possess limited communication skills.
He went on to say that men over 40 tend to be curmudgeons, let themselves go and that they are bitter and set in their ways.
And I think he's right about everything. And that's sad.
Is there any hope for me? Not likely.
I'm starting to give serious consideration to the idea of being alone for the rest of my life. That may well be what happens.
Is there an web site for curmudgeon dating?

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