Monday, June 21, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

I purchased this notebook (with the Rolling Stones' lips and tongue logo on the cover) with the intention of recording my thoughts and/or creative writings. This is significant because being out of school, I no longer have an abundance of paper around.
Today is March 3, 1980. There has been a record amount of snow in the last 3 days. The storm has paralysed most of the state. Hardly anyone could get to work, so today, even more so than the past 2 days, has been a day of relaxation and play in the snow. And we have snow! More than anyone can remember: a covering of a foot and a half - with drifts up to 4 feet or more. Cars are stranded all over the highways.
It isn't snowing anymore. The skies have cleared. The kids are out today. But, 2 kids were out last night, in a virtual blizzard, building a snowman. It is the tallest snowman I have ever made: about five and a half feet! My brother, the other kid, used black spray paint to outline his pockets, sleeves, pants, etc.
Today is Monday. D'Arcy has been home from Chapel Hill since Friday, but I have only seen him once, because of the snow. Also, the last I saw of Katherine was Friday. I only talked to her for a little while, but I did experience her last moments at work. I was with her as she walked out the door for the last time. she will be leaving (for the Navy) a week from today.

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