Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The "So What?" dept. presents: BLAB! (1980)

It's about 4 pm now. I have talked to D'Arcy. It was after my mother and I had a fierce, draining argument. She finally said something very hurtful to me and I called her a bitch. She then threw the door, that I was working on, outside. We haven't said a word to each other since. D'Arcy and I talked about moving out. I told him I wanted to move out soon.
I talked to Eddie and he told me that he had finally gotten his drum set. It's quite a set and I'm very excited for him.
I called Katherine and Ken said she was visiting Gayle and that he would have her call when she came home. When she finally did call me, we argued. She said that I took nothing seriously in life, that it was all a big game and I was just out to have fun. She insisted that I start all of the arguments and that I always take what she says in any way I want, so long as it makes me look as if I have been done wrong. I told her that if she was sure that was the last thing she ever wanted to say to me, then she would never see me again. Ever. I was going to buy her a ring, but I'm not now. She doesn't care. She's a user and I guess I've always kind of known - but I wanted love.
One more thing: Katherine never apologizes.
Katherine hung up on me - playing a game. Getting me back for hanging up on our last conversation. I called back. Even if our relationship had primarily been a joke, I wanted to end it face to face - and I wanted to tell her that. Delores answered, saying that Katherine was upset and It might not be a good idea to talk to her now. She said that they liked me and that I knew how much they loved Katherine and that they felt like they were in the middle. I apologized to her for making them feel that way. I really was sorry.
I'm going to take a shower, now. I feel awfully grungy and greased-out. I think I'll shave my beard off and start my new life with this act. My new Spring life.
The snow is melting fast.

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