Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm growing very tired of all this.

I've been awake all night. I read an entire book. I developed a dry cough after my last procedure and I still have it. Sometimes I cough so badly that it hurts my chest, makes me lose my breath and causes dizziness.
I don't want to be on the Coumadin. I don't want to bleed to death. I don't want to walk around like an anemic, brain-addled zombie. I don't want necrotic skin and amputations. I don't want to be on Coumadin. I don't want to live the rest of my life (the little that there is) like this. I'd just as soon take my chances. I don't want to be on Coumadin! I DON'T WANT TO BE ON COUMADIN!!


  1. I'm sorry things are so rough Jimmi.

    Maybe you could substitute cumin for the coumadin? It's not my favorite spice, but it has its place.

  2. I'm thinking of substituting arsenic.
