Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My body's numb and tingly, my mind is hazy and the top of my head is hot.

Other than that...

First, I have to say I'm not as sharp as I once was. Medication? Loss of brain cells? No sleep? I dunno.
Because I haven't slept much over the last few weeks, I took a sleep aid last night. When I woke up this morning, I was quite groggy. At 8:30, my phone rang. It was some woman from some state agency asking me questions concerning my recent attempts at obtaining Medicaid or Medicare or Social Security disability benefits. How do I feel? What procedures have I had? Alcohol or drugs? Depression? Suicidal or homicidal thoughts? Do I watch TV? What kinds of programs? Surf the Internet? Do I take care of my bills? Ever had psycho-therapy? Can I drive? Very odd things to consider first thing in the morning. I answered as best as I could. "Who are you with, again?" I asked. I'm still not sure who she represented.
I made myself get up and take care of some business. I put on some laundry. I payed my sewer and cable bills (I'm old fashioned - I do this in person). I mailed a payment to a collection agency. I stopped by the ATM. It doesn't sound like much, but to me it was a very successful day.
I called the clinic to get my blood-work results. The PA told me, last Friday, to call Tuesday. A woman answered and asked if it was an emergency. No. She said they were closed. What a clinic this is. It's a small, depressing, dirty place with an unprofessional staff. The rooms are painted colors that look like diarrhea and puke. The place often smells like BO combined with some kind of chemicals. The carpet is filthy. When I went in last Friday, the whole staff went outside to see someone's new dog. Including the PA. Meanwhile, I'm sitting all alone in the waiting room. They only worked half a day Friday, had Saturday, Sunday, Monday and (even though they were supposed to be open today) Tuesday off. I wish I could walk in there and straighten that place out. I would be good at that.
My friend Chuck told me the Smithereens have a new one (Album? CD? Recording?) out. He says it's great. That's something to look forward to.

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