Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I hit the ATM, this morning. God, that thing drives me nuts. It keeps telling me that I don't have enough money, when I know that I do. And it charges me $2 for that "transaction!" Then, if I enter a lesser amount, it charges me an additional $2! Being unemployed, every $2 counts.
I did job searches today, because I'll be in the hospital at the end of the week.
I gassed up the car ($46!). Gas is $3.70 per gallon, now.
I'm doing laundry as I write this - which, at my house, is a whole thing unto itself. Not only do I have very poor water pressure, but because my washer is in the garage, some plastic piece froze and burst, over the winter, and now it leaks everywhere. Weak water pressure + leak = waiting hours for clothes to wash. Also, I have to turn the water off after it fills up for the wash cycle, turn it back on for rinse and then off again for spin. If I ever came into some money, I wouldn't waste it on a mansion and a bunch of sports cars - I'd make sure I had really good water pressure. And a toilet that flushes like a cyclone. Whoooosh! (Also, I'd like a nice mattress.)
I did a sink full of dishes last night, so that's out of the way. I bought a Ralph Lauren tote bag today, at a second hand store, for my trips ($5). I think I'm happy with it. I picked up kitty (doggy) litter and some paper products. I stopped at the post office for a news paper. Now I just have to buzz my hair and I'll be ready for tomorrow.

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