Sunday, April 17, 2011

In a dream, last night...

...I was riding my bike down to one of the local beaches. I had my dog, Scooter, running along side me on a leash. (This doesn't seem like a very good idea to me, now. He's a tea cup Chihuahua and only weighs about 2 1/2 lbs.) I came to a stop atop this little foot bridge that ran over a fresh water creek(?). I was going to unleash Scooter and hold him the rest of the way. As soon as the leash came off, he jumped into the creek. All of a sudden, I was in a small, dusty, dilapidated structure. I ripped my shirt off. An earring got snagged in the fabric and fell to the floor. I ran out of the building and dove into the water to save Scooter.
I immediately saw my sister's dog in the water, also (in real life, she has a teacup, too). That's why Scooter jumped in. He dove under the surface like an otter. I went after him. He did this thing that he does in real life where he'll jump back when you try to pick him up (it's maddening) - only now he was doing this under water! I was running out of breath. Finally, I was able to grab him.
When I got back to the abandoned building, I actually found my earring, in the cob webs and dust. I remember thinking how lucky that was.
The next thing I know, I'm on the beach and my mom is there. My dad died when I was 15 and my mom got remarried. She died when I was 25. But, in this dream, I felt like I was in my 30s and my mom was alive and unmarried. I told her that the guy she was dating (?) was a worthless drunk and probably a criminal (I had seen him up to some nefarious activities earlier, in a beach bar). My mom looked sad when I said this.
Without a decent segue-way, I'm at some rich guy's house, on the beach. He's throwing an enormous cookout. I remember people, including me, kept walking through his huge kitchen, trying to snag food off of the counters and tables. He would come in and chastise them, shoo them out of the kitchen. "You'll lose your appetite!" he said.
I looked through his kitchen windows toward the beach. A fleet of boats were descending on us. Middle Eastern terrorists! Within a couple of minutes, they were all over the house. They weren't doing anything violent yet, but I knew it was just a matter of time. Everyone was frightened. I was sort of trying to walk casually away before the shooting began. As I walked past the laundry room, I noticed a lot of paper money spread out on top of the washer and dryer. I considered taking it, thinking, if I don't, the terrorists surely will.
I'm not sure what happened after this, but for the moment, Scooter and I were still alive.

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