Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Music Project, Pt. 11

Ok. We're firmly in the 90s, now. These are four albums that restored my faith in Rock and Roll.
The first time I heard "Smells Like Teen Spirit," from Nirvana's "Nevermind," I knew something new was happening. Sadly, it only happened for one more studio album after this one. But, what a legacy.
What a voice Todd Lewis has! He can go from gently melodic to BALROG! within a couple of beats. Great songs and fierce playing makes the Toadies' "Rubberneck" a must have.
Long live the Fountains of Wayne! Someone said that their debut album was "Almost better than anything, ever!" That's about the best blurb ever. And, I wholeheartedly concur.
Teenage Fanclub actually beat out Nirvana for Spin magazine's Best Band of 1991. I guess the buying public didn't agree. It makes no difference - "Bandwagonesque" is one great frothy, crunchy, power pop of an album. (If only they had featured some out-stretched arms on the cover...)
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