Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Music Project.

As I mentioned, in an earlier post, The Bulbs of Glacier Lilies may be wrapping up soon. I've posted writings, photos, letters and artwork from various eras of my life - and while it may not be comprehensive, it's a decent generalization of a larger picture. But now, I feel like I want to start fresh, with fresh material.
One thing I think I need to focus on, before moving on, is music. As cliched as it sounds, music has saved my life many times. As far back as I can remember, music has been the heart and soul of me. So... I'm going to do a series of albums that have changed my life. These will be the ones that I still love as much as I did the first time I heard them. Music that has played in my head for years and years. Again, comprehensive? I don't think that would even be feasible, but I'm going to try to hit on all of the biggies - mainstream and otherwise.
Ok, I've set myself up for a project. Here goes...

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