Thursday, July 7, 2011

Waiting for rain.

I'm sitting here, at my desk, waiting for rain. The weather guy said there was a good chance tonight. That's good news. We haven't had more than a sprinkle in months - several long, extremely hot, summer months. My yard is brown and crunchy. My plants are dying.
I dragged a big area rug out and hoisted it on top of the car. After years of wear and tear (and pets), it needs a good soaking.
C'mon rain!
It's not just rain I'm waiting for. It seems as if I'm at a juncture where all I can do is wait. Everything in my life is on hold. I have a lawyer appointment, a doctor visit and a possible medical procedure coming up.
I'm waiting.
There's no telling when I'll hear from the Social Security office about my benefits appeal.
Waiting. Checking the mail.
I spoke in previous posts about "the ghost." She (yes, it's a she) may, or may not, come to visit, at the end of the month, with grown sons in tow.
I've applied for some assistance from Social Services.
I'm waiting on that. (Hang on - just one more week.)
Waiting. Sitting in Limbo. (I know how you feel, Jimmy Cliff.)
Still no rain.
I'm waiting.

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