Monday, July 4, 2011

Letter from my friend Gerg. Pt.4.

What about people? Do we have something going on there also? I was thinking about you a day before you came to this house. Oh well, maybe it just happened by accident, but I'm not sure.
But I do know that I can change my thoughts about a situation, person or thing and I will feel different about it. But it's sometimes very hard to do it in order to be more positive or whatever. Oh yeah it also came across something in relation to that kind of thought stuff. You know that I have studied in detail the subject of cosmic awareness. Well I seem to have run across the formula, so to speak. Part of it is tuning out the world and thoughts about everything we mostly think about and just feeling self, or experiencing self. It's hard to do but sometimes easy. I guess all the exercises are really there to get better at not thinking about normal things. My personal experience however hasn't been one of a great dramatic experience. Just a sense. Of course in the past I have had some wild ones but this is different, it seems to be more grounded or stable. Let me give you their explanation as to what it should be like and you can try it if you like. Of course I'm giving along with it my personal interpretation or technique. They say the experience is like being everything but not feeling as if you are any particular thing. It's like being everywhere but not really in any particular place. And personal identity is for a time lost. I think there are different degrees of each part of the experience and sometimes it happens by itself. Like when I'm falling off to sleep. But also there is a full experience. Or maximum of it. To me this is very satisfying, but it's not a kind of thing that gets old. It really feels timeless. Anyway, I was going to give you my particular way of doing it, ok. Since everything in nature and man can be reduced to one energy, I just allow myself to be in tune by centering my THOUGHTS on that idea, and it seems to work. Just think one that's it. But the thing about all of this is that they are very good at keeping the formula hid. There's a lot of beating around the bush. And just like you if I was to call anyone who was in the organization and describe what it did to you, they wouldn't give me a clear answer as to if what I'm saying is true or not in connection with the concept they hold.
I made a boo boo. I didn't change the subject like I said I was earlier in this letter. Sorry about that. I guess I must be a boring person. So what I will do is let you finish this letter, so it won't bore you much longer. Of course this may not be true, I don't know.
Well, call me, if you want.
Make some time to get up and do the ritual if you wish. We could go beat some people up or something, and be red necks for a time. But make sure you have some Jack Daniels and a truck. And a gun. Can't go without that stuff, now can we? Oh yeah, make sure you're from the south also.
See you when I see you.
I'm gone.
See you.
Gergel Box

Tell me if I seemed to repeat myself in this letter. I looked it over and I'm not sure.
Gergel Box

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