Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Music Project, Pt. 10

It was difficult to pick a Cocteau Twins album for this list - I am such a fan - so I grabbed one blindly. "Blue Bell Knoll," like everything else in their catalog, is a sonic treasure.
Luscious Jackson's "Fever In Fever Out" benefited greatly from Daniel Lanois' beautifully moody production. Which is not to say that the girls didn't come up with some terrific material. Because, you know, they did... (Great T.Rex sample on the song "Don't Look Back.")
No one sounds like Stereolab. "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" is probably the most user friendly unit they ever produced.
The A and R from A.R.Kane are the A and one of the Rs from M/A/R/R/S. (Think 80s dance hit, "Pump Up the Volume.") Don't let that scare you. These guys play some very odd (in a good way), other-worldly, groovy, techno jazz pop. Or something like that. It'll grow on you (like reverb).
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