Saturday, September 4, 2010

April 15, 1979 (Easter).

I went to Russell's house last Friday (the 13th).We always have good conversations, yet they differ in content from those we have when D'Arcy is with us. D'arcy said that when he and Russell talk, it's the same way.
I had not been to Russell's in quite a while. I couldn't believe that Cathy (his sister) has not had her baby yet. It seems like so long ago when she told me it was due in a couple of weeks.
In the midst of one of our mind boggling discussions, Russell said, "You go so far and then you reach blah." Blah. I have written that word many times, dating back to the 7th grade, and yet I never really stopped to consider what it was I was trying to get across. Russell phrased it so beautifully, so succinctly, and I realized what I should have known ( and, I guess, may have known, deep down) and it brought to light the concept of "blah". It is the point where infinity takes over and it becomes futile to try to follow.

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