Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ok, this is not my best moment, but still...

I work on a golf course. I was out of work for a while, dealing with my heart issues, but in the last couple of weeks, I've begun to get back into my normal routine. Some days are more successful than others.
It was really too soon when I went back to work. I wasn't feeling up to it. I was amazed at how things had disintegrated in our maintenance building. I got the feeling that if I had stayed out another couple of weeks, no one would ever know that I had been there. I saw my presence disappearing. Everything was a mess. The tools were in disarray, the equipment was in dire need of maintenance and there was a new guy my boss had hired to help out for the rest of the summer, who I had never met. He had no clue as to who I was or what I expected from him.
I over did it on my first day back. There was so much to do. It felt like no one else cared.
I've been in this business for 17 years. There's a guy on my crew who has been doing this for a year. He's a world class kiss ass and bull shitter. He puts on a front when he feels it will benefit him. He lies. He plays head games. And he wants to be in charge SO bad. I felt like if I had stayed out a little longer, he would have ended up with my job, all the while saying what a great guy I was and how he was just filling in for me until I got back on my feet, etc.
Well guess what, mother fucker, I'm back!
This guy, "B" I'll call him, has a horrible, frantic, negative energy. Obviously, not everyone recognizes it. But, I do. He has a violent past. He's angry and full of hate - but boy, can he be charismatic. Most people probably think he's a great guy.
And that brings me to today.
At the end of the day, when he brought his tractor in, he told "G" (a fellow employee) that a golfer had come up to him, on the course, and told him he was doing a great job and that he was a hard worker. He said that he rarely tipped anyone, but when he did, he tipped big. Then the man said that god had told him to give "B" some money. The golfer gave him $400.00!
Now, whether this was an out-right lie or it really happened - either way - I find the whole thing rather disturbing.
Then, "B" said that that wasn't all he got today. The new guy my boss hired while I was out, bought a new TV and he was giving "B" his old 36" flat screen.
I know, I know, it sounds like pure jealousy on my part. But, why is "god" rewarding that asshole?!

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