Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is Smido on top dad's car...

This is a Polaroid of Smido, my first German shepherd. My mom took this and sent it to my brother, who was in the army and stationed in Germany. That's her hand writing.
The name Smido comes from the shortened version of Smith Douglass, the fertilizer plant where my dad worked. It was the name of one of the fertilizers they sold. One of my dad's co-workers was given another puppy and he named it Nitro - also a Smith Douglass fertilizer.
Smido and Nitro were part of a litter, born at the plant, to a German shepherd guard dog. I would often stay with my dad at work (he was a watchman and there was no one else working at nights and on the weekend). I would feed the guard dog, Smido's mom, who lived in a pen behind the office.
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