Thursday, September 9, 2010

My health.

I came home early from work today.
I had been working on a large broken irrigation line in a huge hole full of mud and water. The sun was beating down on me, black flies were biting and I was on my knees in water up to my waist. I had everything together except for one end of a particularly obstinate compression coupler. I tried and tried to tighten it, working by feel in the clay and water, but it would not cooperate. The threads were stripped. All at once I began to feel awful. It's hard to explain my symptoms, but I had over done it.
I crawled out of the hole, soaking wet, and sat on the grass for a while. I then got in my cart and drove to the maintenance building.
I left a note saying I was going home and would be back tomorrow. I left the back hoe and all of my tools and things at the hole. I didn't even rope it off. This is not the way I am under normal circumstances.
I came home, took a shower (hot - I had chills) and laid down on my bed. After a while, I figured I had better go into town and try to find a compression coupler so I can get the water going before the weekend. I didn't feel like it and I had no luck locating one, anyway.
I'm going to rest up and start all over again in the morning.
One day at a time...

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