Monday, September 27, 2010

My heart (update).

Those crossed fingers, from the last post, seem to have done the trick. My visit to the cardiologist went rather well. Upon interrogating my device, he could detect no bizarre occurrences since my last visit. And he cut my dosage of Amiodarone in half. Since that is the medication that has been causing my nightmares, sleeplessness and general malaise, things should start improving in time. Also, he gave me a note which states that I am ok to work and drive! So, that's great news.
Since my battery is getting low (I've had the device for 4 years now and the shock I recently received depleted it quite a bit), Dr. M. wants me to see him more often - at least until my battery is replaced. So, I have to go back to Chapel Hill at the end of December.
I couldn't have picked a worse day to take a long trip, weather-wise. It has been pouring rain all day. We have had drought conditions for some time now, but that has been alleviated by freakish amounts of precipitation - 9 inches in the last 12 hours alone. And it's still raining. I have seen some of the worst flooding that I can remember. There were wrecked cars all along I-40.
When I finally got close to home, one of our bridges was raised for a ship to pass through. Once I got over that bridge, the backed up traffic and rainy conditions forced me into a lane that lead to the other bridge. I was now going in the opposite direction! I had to cross the river again at the other bridge, which, of course, was raised for the same ship! I finally got across, turned around and recrossed to get home. I traversed that river 3 times(!) - and that was after being on the road, in horrible weather, for over 6 hours. But hey, that's ok, because I'm home and dry and feeling more positive about things than I have in quite a while.

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