Friday, September 17, 2010

Can you say "From left field?"

I went to work yesterday, worked all day, did the things I do: repaired equipment, ran errands, edged some bunkers, etc. At the end of the day, my boss comes by and says he needs to talk with me. I ask him if I've done anything wrong. "No, no, no" was his reply, "but I have to tell you something that you're not going to like."
He laid me off.
Apparently his lawyer told him I was a huge risk. If my heart stopped on the course, he could, hypothetically, be sued, by "someone" (it wouldn't be me, I assured him. "Yeah, I know, because you would be dead", he said...) and lose everything he's worked his whole life to have.
My life gets better and better every day. (That last sentence should be viewed as "dripping with sarcasm"...) Things are happening to me that I have no control over. I thought I was regaining some sort of "normalcy" by being back at work. Now I don't have a job. I worked long and hard to get to where I was. Now it's gone. Just like that.
He swore that after I take some time off (a month, 6 months, a year, 2 years...), he would hire me back, in my same position, with my same pay. How long is he really going to wait, realistically? Meanwhile, what am I going to do now?
I have to go to the unemployment office today, for one thing. I should be there right now, but I'm having a hard time facing it.

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