Saturday, September 11, 2010


This is my cat, Divine.
First, let me say that it's really hard to photograph a cat without help. It may look like I'm strangling him, but I'm just trying to get him to be still and look up.
I named him Divine when he was too small for me to determine his gender. In fact, I thought he was a girl for a long time. Nope, he's a he. As I named him after Glenn Milstead's alter ego, the star of "Pink Flamingos," I figured it didn't much matter if he was a boy or a girl...
When he was a kitten, he was the only one in the litter that I couldn't catch. He was so scared. When I finally did get my hands on him, he ripped into me good! Now, he is the only cat I have and he is extremely affectionate. I love him. He's a good cat.
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