Sunday, October 10, 2010

Big Action Kung Fu "Movie" !! (1972?)

These are some shots I took, as a kid, for an action packed martial arts "movie," starring my nephew B. as the hero and my nephew D. as his arch enemy.
As a kid, I was always trying to get something going: a rock group, a theme park, a circus, a club house and, in this case, a film. I had a projector, that my aunt gave me, and I would show pictures on the wall and narrate. In the case of the circus, I was the ring master. With the rock group, I would draw album covers and come up with names ("Sweet Lemon," anyone?). I invented characters for the theme park (ala Disneyland), which was to exist in an abandoned cow shed and surrounding field.
The film for this epic sat undeveloped, for 30 years. That accounts for its "interesting" grainy quality...
So, any-hoo, here's the untitled (at least, I can't remember the title...) Kung Fu extravaganza. Enjoy!

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